Grand Maghreb

‘Iran cake’ implicates Boden government – Ghannouchi puts two Tunisian ministers in a dilemma

While Tunisia continues to suffer the effects of the « black decade » in which the Brotherhood seized power, the African country has taken steps towards boycotting the terrorist organization.

These steps, which Tunisian President Kais Saied has already taken with his extraordinary decisions announced in July 2021, are being pushed around by the Brotherhood’s official patron, Ennahdha, in search of a role in public affairs, putting it back in the spotlight.

Ennahdha leader Rached Ghannouchi implicated two Tunisian ministers by posing with them on the sidelines of the Iranian revolution commemoration, sparking considerable controversy in Tunisian circles.

Photo Crisis

On the occasion of the 44th anniversary of the Iranian revolution, Education Minister Mohamed Ali Boukadiri, Religious Affairs Minister Ibrahim Chebbi, Ennahdha Party President Rached Ghannouchi, and Tunisian politician Ibrahim Chebbi posed for a photo on Facebook, accompanied by the Iranian ambassador.

The image caused a lot of debate on social media in Tunisia, with some wondering why ministers from the government are in a predicament. They consider Najla Bouden’s two ministers to be in « trouble ».

Brahmi’s widow explains

However, the widow of assassinated Tunisian politician Mohamed Brahmi, known for his fierce opposition to Ennahdha and assassinated on July 25, 2013, posted a post on her Facebook account, saying that she had come at the time of taking the photo at Iran’s embassy on the occasion of its national day.

And Brahmi’s widow continued: “His Excellency the ambassador was going to cut the cake with the two ministers, but Rached Ghannouchi flirted and then jumped from his place after the ambassador smiled at him and Issam Chebbi followed him.”

While the Tunisian journalist, Riad Jarad, known for his support for the Tunisian presidency, said in a post on his Facebook account: “Mohamed Ali Boukadiri and Ibrahim Chebbi, do you care about your souls as they are not representing the Tunisian state? What is it or not?!

The Tunisian journalist denounced the presence of the two ministers, with Ghannouchi, saying: The simplest need is that you stipulate who is present with you on the same occasion, the snapshot, the photo, and..and..etc?! You should not have contented yourself with a congratulatory telegram, (..) celebrate with Rached Ghanoushi ?? With the hand stained with the blood of the martyrs, security and military personnel?? With the gang leader accused of assassinating the martyrs Chokri and Brahmi?? Deportation, the secret apparatus, and terrorism?!

« As a Tunisian citizen, I am innocent of this shame, » he concluded his post.

Close dismissals

Tunisian blogger Seif Eddin Mohamed predicted that the Tunisian presidency will soon issue decisions dismissing the two ministers from Najla Bouden’s government.

In a post on his Facebook account, Seif Eddin Mohamed said: Mohamed Ali Boukadiri, Minister of Education, Ibrahim Chebbi, Minister of Religious Affairs, with Rached Ghannouchi, President of Ennahdha Movement, at the Iranian embassy. Close Dismissals, Cabinet Shuffle in Sight ».

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